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Beatrix High class escort model from Hamburg

It was a balmy summer evening when you decided to treat yourself to a refreshing drink in a chic bar in Hamburg after a long day at work. Just as you had placed your order, a young woman entered the room and immediately caught your attention. With long, shiny black hair that fell over her shoulders and a sporty-chic outfit that beautifully emphasized her curves, she walked through the room as if she owned it. Beatrix was her name, you found out when she sat down opposite you at the bar and greeted the bartender. Their eyes crossed and she smiled at you. There was something light-hearted and genuine in this smile, this woman was well aware of her beauty but seemed so relaxed and natural that you found her incredibly attractive. Suddenly she stood up: “Sorry to just join you,” she said, looking at you with her intense brown eyes, “but I couldn’t resist.” They were surprised by her directness, but also by her spontaneity and courage. They returned her smile and invited her to sit down. They started talking and you soon found out that Beatrix was not only beautiful, but also an incredibly interesting conversation partner. They talked about all sorts of things and Beatrix was a good listener. She herself had a passion for travel, literature and films, which she shared with an infectious enthusiasm. You could hardly take your eyes off this fascinating woman. Those sensual lips… Then Beatrix suggested we take a walk through the streets of Hamburg at night. Of course, they agreed immediately, it would have been a shame to have to say goodbye straight away. As they strolled through the illuminated streets, the crackling tension that they had already felt in the bar became more and more unbearable. Beatrix was not only beautiful and charming, but also incredibly sexy, so you were pleasantly surprised when she suggested accompanying you to the hotel to perhaps have a glass of champagne together in your room. What followed remains a secret for both of you ๐Ÿ˜‰ Only this much can be revealed: There was hardly anything left to be desired. This woman is imaginative, sensual, curious, attentive and sensitive and also full of (sexual) energy that almost takes your breath away. These and other fantasies don’t have to remain a dream! Contact your Escort Service Hamburg and let us know your wishes and expectations. Completely new to the world of escorting, Beatrix from Hamburg is looking forward to sensual and passionate moments, stimulating conversations and secret adventures with gentlemen who, just like her, want to break out of their daily routine. Meet Beatrix!

Online Marketing Manager
German, English, Spanish
163 cm
Cup Size:
75 D
Hair color:
Eye color:
yes, subtle

Dancing - Sports - Travel - Champagne - Narciso Rodriguez perfume - Asian and Mediterranean cuisine / gourmet cuisine - Pina Colada - Sun - Cycling - Books - Theater - Movies

What is your idea of a successful date?

I always find surprises exciting! There is something special about being surprised by unexpected moments. For me, a successful date would be a time when both people feel comfortable and can be authentic. It would be nice if we could get to know each other in a relaxed and informal environment, perhaps over a sparkling drink at the bar? I think a successful date is also characterized by mutual respect, humour and good chemistry. The most important thing, however, is that both sides have a good time together and feel a connection.

Do you like traveling? If so, where to and why?

The right company can make a trip unforgettable by creating memories together and inspiring each other.

What gifts can make you happy?

What gives me the most pleasure is the gesture itself – the thought and effort that went into the gift.

Where have you eaten best so far?

In my kitchen. I am an excellent cook. For you too?

Which 5 character traits apply to you?

imaginative, sensual, curious, attentive and empathetic.

When have you done something for the first time recently?

A solo trip made. It was exciting to travel alone because it allowed me to travel at my own pace, meet new people and make unexpected discoveries.

What would you definitely like to experience?

Christmas in New York would be a dream experience for me, wrapped up in the sparkle of the city, surrounded by the festive atmosphere and magic that fills the streets

What has really put you in a good mood recently?

The first spring flowers!

What are the little things in life that make you happy?

For me, waking up every day is a gift that I accept with gratitude and enthusiasm. It is like an invitation to a new chapter full of possibilities, adventures and sensual discoveries.

What style of clothing do you like to wear?

I prefer a sporty and elegant wardrobe.

Which erotic fantasy appeals to you?

In any case, an erotic masked ball with seductive women and attentive gentlemen. Are you inviting me?

up to 2 hrs
800 Euro
up to 3 hrs
1000 Euro
up to 4 hrs
1200 Euro
up to 6 hrs
1500 Euro
up to 8 hrs
1800 Euro
up to 12 hrs
2000 Euro
up to 16 hrs
2300 Euro
up to 24 hrs
2800 Euro
up to 48 hrs
4100 Euro
every extra day
1000 Euro
one week
7500 Euro

50 Euro - from 2 hrs
50 Euro - from 2 hrs
80 Euro - from 2 hrs
150 Euro - from 2 hrs
Escort Hamburg Beatrix Bildausschnitt

โ€œThat was one of the best escort meetings I've had so far. Beatrix is simply an amazing woman and even more beautiful than in the pictures. Simply a perfect evening! I will book her again without question! โ€