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Nora Escort model from Bremen

“I am an inquisitive free spirit who draws his energy primarily from interpersonal relationships. I love being inspired in conversation, diving in, philosophizing and coming up with completely new ideas. Sometimes with depth, sometimes with a large portion of humor.”

When Nora enters the room, you perceive a unique aura that captivates and magnetically attracts all attention. She succeeds in attracting the attention of others in a very natural and authentic way. Her nature is lively, playful and full of energy.

“I’m not interested in what you do for a living. I want to know what you strive for, whether you dare to dream, to fulfill the longings of your heart. I’m not interested in how old you are. I want to know if you risk being taken for a fool: for your love, for your dreams, for the adventure of a lifetime.” Oriah Mountain Dreamer

If you make Nora smile, a promising sparkle will appear in her bright eyes as well as her dimples. Her expressive face is framed by natural waves, her skin is velvety soft and her gaze is open.

“I love flirting, it’s my nature.”

Her intellect is stimulated by genuine interest, nothing happens without passion. How Nora seduces you? Just the way you like it. Because Nora is both sweet and spicy, cashmere and leather. In her you have found a companion with whom you can be honest, direct and creative. What we must warn her about, however, is that Nora will be remembered and always leaves her encounters with a desire for more…

End 20s
art student
High School
German, English
160 cm
Cup Size:
slim and curvy
Hair color:
dark blonde
Eye color:
blue green
very subtle
left breast
No home visits possible

Japanese cuisine - thunderstorms and wind - joint museum visits - open fires - pottery in my studio - shared enjoyment - adventure - Berlin - alert eyes - white flowers - pole dancing - oolong tea - lingerie by Agent Provocateur - losing at chess - bathing together - the smell of sandalwood and wild rose - sauna infusions - liberated laughter - analog photography - books by Taschen Verlag - deep voices - forest walks - sustainability - freshly baked bread - Ashtanga yoga - whispering

What is your idea of a successful date?

Beauty often lies in the simple things in life. A delicious, relaxed dinner, honest conversation, shared laughter and the tingling feeling of attraction – that’s the perfect evening for me.
When it comes to eroticism, I am communicative and open. I’ll tell you exactly what I think and hope I can give you some of my lightness.

Do you like traveling? If so, where to and why?

I love traveling and prefer to immerse myself in vacation destinations as authentically as possible. From skiing in Austria and diving in Croatia to working as an au pair in America – I’ve had the chance to experience a lot!
My dream is to travel to Japan one day. Preferably for a whole month to see as much of nature as possible.

What gifts can make you happy?

I am a muse with many interests and enjoy culinary delights, books, perfume, wellness and flowers.

Where have you eaten best so far?

I am a gourmet at heart and am always on the lookout for new recipes and restaurants. I couldn’t decide on one place!
A few of my highlights are Ernst in Berlin, November in Berlin and Ginza in Hamburg. In the future, I would like to visit Noma in Copenhagen or Nagaya in Düsseldorf.

What are you currently looking forward to the most?

I recently joined a start-up and am taking on a lot of responsibility there. I enjoy contributing my creative ideas and learning a lot about business in the process.

Which 5 character traits apply to you?

cheerful, down-to-earth, attentive, extroverted and passionate.

When have you done something for the first time recently?

I started running regularly this year.
My first 10 km run in May was totally overwhelming!
I will be running the half marathon in Munich in October. I’m already very excited because I don’t know the city and I’ve never run 21.5 km in one go.

What would you definitely like to experience?

I would like to exhibit my own ceramics in a gallery. I am interested in organization and curation, as I enjoy being a host. I also want to invite all my friends to the vernissage and celebrate with me!

What has really put you in a good mood recently?

A day in the sauna, I love being naked all day and enjoying infusions.

What are the little things in life that make you happy?

I live for the little things that are full of beauty.
I notice magical details every day. When the light in my window turns into a rainbow, when my milk froths perfectly, when a neighbor greets me in the hallway or when I happen to look at the clock at 11:11 – then I’m already in a good mood!

What style of clothing do you like to wear?

I choose my clothes according to the occasion and my mood.
In summer I like to wear short skirts or dresses.

Which erotic fantasy appeals to you?

I love being able to watch myself and others having sex.
In my opinion, every hotel room should have large mirrors right next to the bed!

up to 2 hrs
900 Euro
up to 3 hrs
1100 Euro
up to 4 hrs
1300 Euro
up to 6 hrs
1600 Euro
up to 8 hrs
1900 Euro
up to 12 hrs
2200 Euro
up to 16 hrs
2500 Euro
up to 24 hrs
3000 Euro
up to 48 hrs
4500 Euro
every extra day
1200 Euro
one week
7500 Euro

none - from 2 hrs
none - from 2 hrs
80 Euro - from 3 hrs
80 Euro - from 3 hrs
100 Euro - from 3 hrs
160 Euro - from 4 hrs
160 Euro - from 3 hrs
170 Euro - ab 3 h
200 Euro - ab 6 h
250 Euro - from 6 hrs
250 Euro - ab 8 h
300 Euro - from 6 hrs
Erfahrungen mit Nora vom Escort Service Bremen

“I didn’t think it was possible to improve on my incredible date in London with Nora, and yet our second meeting was even better. I had never met someone who is as beautiful inside as she is outside, until I met Nora. She is sweet, kind, empathic, funny, and gorgeous on a level that is hard for me to explain. She is a caring and devoted lover, and our time together has left indelible memories. I feel very, very fortunate that our paths crossed not just once, but twice. Life takes us in different directions and we all move forward in our life paths, but I’m cautiously optimistic that I’ll be able to see her again. ”

“I had a marvelous time with Nora. Gorgeous soul. Will definitely try and see her again next time for longer. Kindly send her my greetings and many thanks for taking time to come to Hamburg.”

“Ich fand das Date wunderschön! Bereits die Gespräche auf dem Weg von und zu dem Restaurant sowie beim Essen habe ich besonders genossen. Ihre wundervolle natürliche, offene, herzliche, kluge und gleichzeitig besonders sinnlich-sexuelle Art kam hervorragend zur Geltung. Im Bett ist sie natürlich sowieso über jeden Zweifel erhaben. Ich kann mir sehr gut vorstellen, Nora noch einmal zu buchen - auch wenn ich mangels großer Erfahrung noch nicht sicher einschätzen kann, ob vielleicht einfach fast alle Damen so toll sind :)”

“I really did have an absolutely amazing time. I don't have enough words, she was charming, made me feel extremely comfortable. Very knowledgeable and passionate, everything contributed to an incredible evening. Of course her eyes and smile, I was warned in her profile among them but I was still unprepared and floored. I hope she got home safely and please pass on my regards plus thanks for the outfit she picked out. I hope to meet her again soon! ”

“The date with Nora was simply fantastic! A really great and extraordinary young woman with so much esprit and charm. I always felt well looked after and comfortable in her presence. She was like a good friend. I have a weakness for down-to-earth girls. My heart for the muses, who dwell inconspicuously and mysteriously among us, who are always surrounded by this invisible aura that makes a seasoned man forget space and time, is huge.”

“With her nature and her way, Nora has me playfully wrapped around her finger. She is a remarkably wonderful woman, who touched and hit me in a way, I didn't know. In addition she sexualized me, she has made me feel like a man. Thx for her and thx dear Clara and dear Isabelle for all what you've done!”

“I was speechless and enchanted from the very first moment. Nora has an insanely sweet smile, a stunning figure and breathtaking charisma. She is an intelligent, eloquent and caring companion with exciting and interesting topics of conversation. The time spent together is a memory for eternity.”